Thursday, November 19, 2020

With Love, From Your Past

I've hit a bit of a writer's block of late. Last time I checked in here, I mentioned that I've been riding every day, but nothing about these rides have really been that spectacular, nothing really to write home about. The best news I have to report is that the streak is still alive, and well past 200 days at this point. I'm not stopping as long as I can help it.

On or about day 235 of the streak, I took a solo weekend trip back home to PA for a couple days to visit my Mom, Dad, and some friends along the way. I made it a point to detour south to Philly to stop in for a ride before I headed back to Ohio. It was only about an hour, about 11 miles or so, and I didn't do anything but ride. Still, it felt like a noteworthy ride even though I didn't have a grandiose destination or goal in mind. I honestly struggle for words to describe it:

With all due gratitude to my loving family, and with all appreciation for all the things I do have in this life, I still miss Philly so much some days it hurts, and I can't get past it. I don't know that I ever will. I suppose I need to keep on riding until I do, or until we can get back there...