Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The First 500 are the Toughest...

30 Days of Biking 2018 Mileage Total: 501.9

On the ride home from the office yesterday afternoon, I went over 500 miles in a month for the third consecutive year of 30 Days of Biking, and fourth time overall. I felt stopping by the Rocky statue was appropriate:

I never really set goals for myself during this month other than riding every single day, because again, that's really what 30 DoB is all about - riding every day and generating enthusiasm. I've almost come to expect that I'll hit 500 miles every April at this point, but this time feels just a little bit different. I don't feel like I've really had to push myself to get to 500 like I did in years past. Save for one 47-mile meditation a couple weeks ago, almost every ride I've taken this month was life or job-related. Every mile felt...natural, I guess is the best way to explain it.

Basically, biking isn't just a leisure activity for people like me. It's a lifestyle, and as my mentor has said, life-related exercise is the most healthy:

Alright, buying beer might not inherently be healthy, but you get my point. I'm reading more and more that the people who decide to participate in this challenge make biking part of their day-to-day life. If only everyone could be so lucky, I think you'd all really enjoy it. That's part of the reason I love this month - all the stories you see across social media (if you're looking) featuring people who are just living their lives...on a bike. Joyful riders being joyful, and all of that.

So here's to another 500 miles and what's so far been another great 30 Days of Biking. Let's ride on to day 26, and be sure to pack your rain gear!


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