Monday, April 13, 2020

Day 13 of 30: Maintenance Man

Easter Sunday was much like most other days lately: weird. I mentioned yesterday that we're not devout Christians, but we do still respect old family traditions. Most of those were predictably shelved yesterday. There was no big family gathering, there was no brunch, no pictures in Sunday dresses...

However, we did attain some personal productivity as a result of having a little more time available this weekend. Among other things, I did some maintenance on most of the family bikes in the afternoon:

Just some quick lubrication and checking wheels for trueness. Some of those bikes haven't really been used all Winter, so it seemed like a good time to check on things.

Earlier in the morning, I took some time to enjoy a ride around town before some rain moved in:

While I was out, I spotted two dudes riding motorcycles in Easter themed costumes that absolutely made my day:

I'm not so sure about throwing up the horns, but it works, I think. Anyway...

We did have Rachel's Mom over for the day, so there was some semblance of a big family get together. While the girls worked on sewing facemasks (I'll post pics when they're finished), I cooked the family Easter meal, which was about as traditional as you could get while keeping it vegan:

Not pictured, the cake that Faith and I had baked on Saturday. It doesn't look as pretty with a bunch of chunks taken out of it. ;)

I'm not religious, but I am still counting my blessings today and every day for sure. Let's have a good week, everyone. Be safe and be well.

30DoB Mileage Total: 131.1

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