Sunday, April 5, 2020

Day 5 of 30: I Assure You, They're Open

In a turn of events that was absolutely not shocking at all to me given the way things have been going of late, our best laid plans for a Saturday family ride were shelved due to an extremely sick kitty cat. I'll spare you the details, but basically we didn't feel good leaving him at home all day. So...

We actually did get a lot accomplished around here yesterday as a result. I rolled out early in the morning to take a look around Grove City to see how things were looking overall, what was open, and so on:

That's Hop Yard 62, one of my favourite local watering holes. It turns out they're open with limited hours for takeout (like many other local establishments), so I decided I'd stop by again later in the day if I had time. Up and down Broadway, most businesses were operating with somewhat normal hours, but with social distancing restrictions, limits on who could enter the premises, and so on. The only place I saw with an outright "Closed" sign was Transcend Coffee shop, which is closed due to the risk of one of their owners coming in contact with senior citizens. I'd say it's a good enough reason to temporarily close. It's also good to see most businesses around here are staying afloat for the time being.

After a little meandering around town, I made my way to the grocery store once again. Other than the paper products section, things are somewhat normal, and I was able to get a full haul yesterday:

Rae and I ventured out together after lunch to go get some gardening supplies. It seemed like a shame to waste a beautiful day not being outside, so we did some major work on the outside of our house for a change. The lawn is mowed, and most of the front landscape has finally been cleaned out from Autumn leaf coverage and undesired plants.

After we finished, I took one more ride to go back to Hop Yard. By this time of Day, Grove City had started to look much like it did when we came down here about a year ago to look at our house:

Cute. I was also surprised to find out that Hop Yard was still selling DORA cups, which allow you to take open beer around the town center. In addition to picking up a growler to go, I couldn't resist the chance to enjoy a nice cool beer outside on a gorgeous Spring day:

There was a scene outside with several people on benches well more than 6 feet apart from each other, all enjoying beer (I didn't get a pic - I didn't want to creep anybody out). Despite everyone appropriately practicing social distancing, it felt somewhat normal. On that note, my day also felt pretty normal on the whole, despite not turning out the way I'd originally planned.

Today is looking rather gray outside by comparison, so I probably won't get a TON of riding in, but I assure you, I'll be out there. Enjoy your Sunday, everyone.

30DoB Mileage Total: 54.1

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