Monday, January 25, 2016

California Nightmare

Have you ever had "one of those days?" Of course you have. I had one this morning. Technically, it happened mostly due to what occurred in the northeastern United States on Friday and Saturday, when winter Storm Jonas dropped about 2 million inches of snow on us. I, for one, love snow and being put in survivalist situations, so I was excited in the days leading up to it.

Unfortunately, though the storm lived up to its billing, I was too ill to enjoy it. In between shoveling, I spent most of Saturday and Sunday on my couch sleeping or playing video games and doing whatever else I could do to recover from this nasty bug I picked up some time last week. No snowball fights, no adventures other than a walk around the neighborhood just because I couldn't stand being inside any longer. Drives me bat shit crazy.

You know what else drives me crazy? Not being able to use a bike to do my bike job. I fully expected this scenario when I woke up Sunday and saw the absolute chaos on the city streets, and in light of my sickness, being forced to use a ZipCar instead of a bike was actually better for my health (and my paycheck, because otherwise, I would have had to call off). Here's where it gets nuts:

ZipCar Attempt #1
I caught the train to North Philly and got in the car I had booked (it was a Subaru Crosstrek, just in case you're wondering). It wouldn't start. I'm no expert on cars, but most common problems, I can tell what it is immediately. It was obviously a bad starter, not anything that's going to get resolved today or maybe even this week given the weather.

I called the company. They guided me through the troubleshooting motions, which I obeyed even despite their futility, and they eventually transferred me to the sedan sitting in the parking spot next to me. I was annoyed, but I can't fault them for trying. It's their job.

ZipCar Attempt #2
I switched to the car next door (a Hyundai Elantra). Even before I got off the phone with the ZipCar operator, I mentioned that the car wasn't cleaned off, but I got in and started it anyway. After I hung up, I cleaned off the windshield and got ready to drive.

Lo and behold, the car was stuck in the snow. The parking lot had been plowed and it was obvious that the Subaru next to me was able to get out because it had all wheel drive. A front wheel drive sedan, not so much. After about 5 minutes of back and forth and even some shoveling (the attendant had a shovel handy), it was obviously going to need a tow. Again, not something that was going to happen any time soon.

So, I called the company again. They transferred me again to a Versa hatchback that was two blocks away. I reluctantly agreed because what else could I do? But without seeing the car, there was no way for me to know what I was going to walk up to.

ZipCar Attempt #3
I got to the lot about 5 minutes after hanging up, but this time I didn't even get in the car. The entire spot was surrounded by two feet of snow, not to mention the accumulation on the roof and hood that basically sealed it in an ice block.

I called again and demanded an SUV, no matter where it was. No car with less than all wheel drive was going to work this morning. I settled for the only available SUV, a Jeep Compass all the way back in center city. I went back on the train to go pick it up, ending up closer to my house than the laundromat. What a waste. So anyway...

ZipCar Attempt #4

I saw this and thought I was in the wrong place. I was like, "Wow. California? That's neat. Who drove this thing all the way from there? Can I get that job?" Slightly kidding on that last one...

Anywho, so I got in. The car started. Finally back in business after over an hour of BS. On the way up to Thompson Street, I had to stop to help people get their cars un-stuck twice. That's a whole separate story. I eventually made it to the laundromat and loaded up. I headed back out on the road and got to my first delivery in Fishtown, somehow still on time. Thank the maker for 2 hour delivery windows. I double-parked and turned off the car, exchanged bags and after about 10 minutes, was ready to move on to the next one.

Guess what? THE DAMNED CAR WOULDN'T START. This time, it was a dead battery (again, I could just tell - the interior lights would dim every time the four ways flashed). I called ZipCar yet again, and they informed me that roadside assistance would take several hours and there was no guaranteed ETA. Her best advice was for me to "figure it out on my own in the mean time." Thanks.

Thankfully, I was right down the block from an auto body shop that happened to have a jump starter kit. It worked, but the guy said "Don't turn the car off." Obviously.

So, I finished the appointments I had loaded up because that was all I was willing to risk. I had customer care re-schedule my last two large pickups for tomorrow. Last thing I wanted was to end up stranded in North Philly with 20 bags of laundry in the back of a rented car, and judging by what I'd already been through, sometimes you get the feeling it's just not your day. Better luck tomorrow, I suppose.

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