Sunday, February 28, 2016

Signals Crossed

Leap Day is a bizarre day. Seems appropriate to share something bizarre.

Whilst riding on my route a few weeks back, I was heading north on Front Street when I saw something strange at Girard Avenue:

If you'll notice the traffic lights, the red and green lights are illuminated at the same time. After pausing and realizing that the cross traffic had a red light, I proceeded through the intersection, but decided to wait on the sidewalk. This wasn't just a one-time glitch. It happened through each cycle:

All hazards aside, it was pretty neat and (I assumed) rare to see this sort of thing. Until last week, when it happened at a different intersection, Columbia & Girard:

Furthermore, this one also had a glitch on the yellow light:

For what it's worth and for all of the flack I give the motorists in this city, there were no crashes at either intersection. There were plenty of confused people, myself included... I guess with all the construction in the area, incidents like these are bound to happen?

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