Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Only Constant is Change

I've written many times on this blog about the changes I see in my neighborhood(s) over time.  I noticed a couple more today.  Changes are not always positive, but usually I write about the ones that are. Interesting...

Today, I took a different route than I usually take to get back to our Thompson Street facility from Olde Kensington.  I'd been avoiding Master Street just west of Broad for quite a while due to construction and unfavorable road conditions.  For whatever reason, I decided to go that route today and saw this:

This is Ingersoll Commons Park.  I have no idea what it was previously (other than a construction site), but seeing this park completed and grass growing was a bright spot in an otherwise gray and gloomy morning.  In the midst of so many ugly cookie cutter condos being built seemingly on every other corner, it's always a pleasure to see some new green space.

After my route, I headed to the office at Broad & Locust.  We moved in here on or about May of last year, and I swear since the day we moved in, this old Schwinn has been left to die on the curb out front: 

It's the green one on the street side of the rack, missing a front tire and rusting away (a Rustcycle, if you will).  People would often lock to it, creating a somewhat messy sight:

And fittingly, a street artist left a rather appropriate commentary on the frame:

I wanted to claim this frame on repeated occasions, either to put it out of its misery, or to see if I could reclaim it.  I never got around to it, and somewhat sadly, today it was gone:

And my bike in its place.  It's a positive to see it removed no doubt, but for some reason I didn't mind seeing it every day.  It kind of became part of the identity of that block in my view.  Or maybe I'm just annoyed that I didn't get to it first.

But hey, onward and upward.

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