Thursday, May 24, 2018

Firsts to the Last

If you've read this blog before, you've probably gotten used to seeing pictures like this:

That's a full trike loaded for deliveries from last Friday. Another typical day on the job, my job which I'll be leaving as of tomorrow morning after 3.5+ years. I've seen a lot in that time, yet there's always something new to see. That's what I've been telling my replacement over the last week as I've been training her:

Once again, something I've seen before, but this time it feels a little bit different. In the past, I've been training people knowing that I'd still be around if they had any questions. This time, that's not the case. It's been a little awkward riding alongside "my" trike the last few days, knowing that I likely won't get to ride her again after Friday:

I feel like the universe is sending me messages and trying to help me pack as many things as possible into my last days as a Philly resident. "Small" things and first time occurrences have randomly been coming up, like the first time I've ever had to tow my own bike with the trike:

There was nothing wrong with it. Actually, the trike was in need of some repairs, so I took it for a tune up and needed a way to ride home. She's back in action and running as smooth as ever. There's something comforting about that. Thanks to Fishtown Bikes N Beans for the super quick and excellent service.

I was greeted with another situation to test my limits a couple days earlier, when my last delivery of the day was closer to my after work destination than the office. Even though the bags are light and fluffy, they proved to be quite a cumbersome stack:

I had to stop once to make sure everything was still attached. I also carried a bookbag, and this is easily the most volume (not sure on weight) I've towed with my bike. It honestly wasn't fun, but hey, I did it.

And finally, most fittingly, an unexpected detour on my delivery route took me to the Schuylkill River Trail, which I'd never traversed with a Wash Cycle rig before. Hard to believe:

As you can see, it was a gorgeous day. I felt inspired by this sight and decided to make it part of my commute home. It just so happens that another extension to the trail had just opened, so I checked it out:

It's got that nice new trail feel to it, and it's yet another reminder of how far this place has come since I moved here in February of 2014. The section of trail leading to here didn't even open until October 2014. That said, there's still work to be done, as the trail ends abruptly and unceremoniously near Christian Street:

But, this does provide some unique views of Center City:

And finally, an overhead shot of the trail looking southward from the South Street Bridge:

The view from the opposite side is still one of the most breathtaking views of this city:

It was in that moment that I realized how much of this place I've still yet to see, but also just how much has changed since I've arrived. It's truly special, as has been every experience here. One final day on the job tomorrow, before the next adventure begins...

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