Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Someone's Gonna Bike a Thousand Miles...

It could be me?

This was a milestone week for the family. After living in our new home for more than a month, we finally took our first family bike ride in our new neighborhood over the weekend:

What took us so long, you ask? Faith had been wonderfully busy visiting her grandparents, going to Girl Scout Camp, and of course, joining us on our own family vacation. All of that left little time for all three of us to get out for rides together while we were still getting the house in order. She's back home for awhile now, so we'll hopefully get back into our routine if all goes to plan.

On Monday, we rode to an open house at her new school:

That was a milestone for me, because it happened to put me over 1,000 miles of biking on the year. It feels like it took me forever to get there this time around, but when you factor in that I'm no longer riding a bike for a living, it's still pretty damn amazing. I don't keep track of mileage for any sort of competition other than with my own self, but it does help me feel a sense of accomplishment nonetheless. I've noticed a consistent uptick since we moved here, probably owing to my desire to explore my new surroundings. A brief picture roll:

I had to throw in the adorable trash and recycling cans. Anyway...

That kind of consistent riding that is seemingly coming easier to me these days is also making me satisfied mentally, something I was lacking in our old neighborhood. I'm hoping to get back into my routine of writing about my experiences and explorations regularly as well (Grove City and my immediate surroundings are much more bike friendly), even if it's just a simple ride to the grocery store:

I still get strange looks for rocking a crate on my bike. Anyway, here's to a thousand more miles, and many more after that...

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