Thursday, July 2, 2020

100 Days of Cycling for Sanity

Think about where you were or what you were doing in your life 100 days ago. Things certainly look a lot different today, don't they?

Your timeline may be a little different than mine. On March 22nd (which is actually 103 days ago as of this writing), Ohio residents were ordered to shelter in place due to Coronavirus implications, and many businesses were forced to make dramatic changes to their operations or temporarily close altogether. Sensing challenging times ahead, I began a streak of riding a bike every day that I've still kept going through this morning.

Why? The simplest explanation is because it keeps me sane in these very insane times. As I posited in the first sentence of this post: sit back and really think about what your life was like 3 and a half months ago. Think about how different it is today. How are you feeling? How have you managed to keep yourself going through all of this?

I'm going to keep this as short and sweet as possible. This year has been a roller coaster, speaking from my own personal experiences. The one thing that I've kept consistent is riding a bike every single day, if only for a 5-10 minute lap around the block to clear my mind or keep my legs moving forward. If you want a (hopefully) productive exercise, try to list all of the things that you've experienced already this year, and be prepared to be impressed with yourself for making it to today.

We owe it to ourselves to celebrate ourselves every so often. On Monday morning, my 100th consecutive day of cycling, I celebrated by biking 20 miles around Lower Manhattan. The family and I will be here for another few days while our daughter recovers from a minor surgical procedure she had on Tuesday (the whole reason we are here, actually - we've celebrated her as well). I plan on keeping this going as long as possible. In the mean time, enjoy some beautiful yet haunting pictures I took to mark my occasion, and remember to celebrate even the smallest of victories:

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