Friday, March 17, 2017

This Time, It's Personal

Daylight Savings Time began on Sunday, and the week following has been nothing short of odd.

One of the reasons I really grew to love my job at Wash Cycle Laundry was that I got to be outside and be active every day (and get paid for it, of course). In recent months as I've been transitioning into the office, it's been a little tough to let go of that. So, even in the face of near-freezing temperatures, you can imagine I was a bit excited to return to the cycling side of things on Monday afternoon, filling in as a personal customer cyclist:

The calm before the storm, or something

Having been on the commercial delivery side of our business in North Philly for the last 2 years, delivering in Center City/South Philly was a nice trip down memory lane. It was weird not to know exactly who I was going to see or what kind of personality I would encounter with each appointment, because I've grown so used to the longstanding relationships I had with my customers. It was also a much smoother ride than I'm used to, as my terrain in the North is much more hilly and plagued with other obstacles (broken glass, etc). All told, my route that day was only 11 miles, but considering most of it was with a considerable amount of laundry in tow, it was still a solid 11-mile workout:

Personal appointments are also spread further apart, so it tends to make for a much more zig-zaggy route. Looks neat, eh? I'm even happier I got more than 15 miles in on Monday (including commutes) because I logged absolutely ZERO on Tuesday, and not much more on Wednesday and Thursday:

Bike Ice

I was in workforce training most of Wednesday and Thursday. I didn't get much of anything done otherwise on the work spectrum, but all things considered, I didn't mind being inside. Getting to and from the office was treacherous at best. There's rain in the forecast for this weekend, which could be a positive as long as it doesn't lead to flooding...I'm just hoping it will clear out the ice so I can get back to a normal commute and my normal weekend adventures.

By the way, 30 Days of Biking is coming...

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