We all like challenges of varying degrees...

Unless that challenge is riding a commuter bike through the sand...
Over the last week, I've been really frustrated with politics and other real-life events. I started feeling like something was genuinely missing from my life. I think it actually started more than a week ago, when I spoke to someone from back home who regularly follows this blog and they mentioned that I don't write as much as I used to.
I thought about why that's become the case, and as expected, I told myself "I just don't have the time." You know what? Screw that. I had to admit that I miss it, and I need to make time for it again.
Telling myself that isn't going to be enough, because it never is. I need to have some sort of a challenge associated with a task to accomplish it. So I figured, if #30daysofbiking worked before, it will work again...I'm going to do another month of consecutive bike riding and blog posts!
I intend to let this flow naturally as it did last time around with only a few set plans in mind. Who knows? I may finally partake in the monthly Philly Full Moon Bike Ride for a change.
I also want to get back to some of my running blog themes I've gotten away from in recent months, most notably "Rustcycles" and "Nice Racks." I realized that recently I've not been paying attention to much outside of my own mind, and it's had far-reaching negative effects. Beach trips and gigs aside, my head has been entirely too cooped up within its own self lately, and I need to "ride it out," so to speak.
So here I am, about to see where my two wheels take me this month, once again. This time around, I'm not attempting to log miles myself - there's an app for that. Ride along with me and keep up if you can...
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