Saturday, March 14, 2015

Oh Wow Wednesday Part 4: The Keyless to my Heart

In case you haven't been reading, I sometimes go several days between stories worth writing about, but this past Wednesday I encountered quite a few that I decided to write in a short series. This will be the fourth of five, and here are parts one, two and three.

After clocking out at Wash Cycle (shameless plug #1), I rode home to clean up for my afternoon job and evening activities. I was home for all of about 20 minutes, just enough time to shower and get changed. Strengthening Health Institute (shameless plug #2) was hosting a seminar at our local natural foods store, Essene Market (shameless plug #3), so I biked over there to grab lunch beforehand.

After eating, I had some time to kill before the seminar students arrived. I stepped out front briefly to get some fresh air, when I heard someone to my right ask "Excuse me, do you think you could help me?"

There was a middle-aged woman standing beside a parked BMW with the driver's side door hanging open, waving as she called for me in a somewhat helpless manner.

She asked "Do you know anything about cars?"

Technically, everyone knows at least something about cars, right? So I said "Yea, I'll see what I can do."

She also asked me if I worked for the market, and I said "Well I'm here enough, I probably should." I guess I had cleaned up nicely after that incident with the flat tire.

She couldn't get her car started. OK, it happens. Except this time, it was one of these new-fangled keyless starters, which I've never used. Seems kinda shady to me. But at any rate...

Completely going against my male instinct, I reached into the glove compartment to check out the owner's manual to read the manufacturer's opinion. It took all of about 3 seconds for me to get the car started. It seemed remarkably simple, and I guess it was, but it made her day.

She said "Oh thank you so much. You are a life saver. I've never used one of these before. Thank you so much." I'm still not sure how she got there without knowing how to use the car.

She continued on, "Your girlfriend, or boyfriend, whoever, must be very happy." Hah. I guess I really did clean up nicely.

I answered, "Actually, I'm single. And I like women. Haha..."

She responded, "Well I hope you find a nice girl. You're a good guy."

Well thank you, random woman on the street.

Part five (and the conclusion of this short series) tomorrow if I have energy after doing taxes (or if I feel like procrastinating and/or avoiding them altogether).

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