Wednesday, December 13, 2017

"Hate" to Love to Ride

At the beginning of this month, I mentioned that I had a quest to make up for what I felt was a lack of riding during Love to Ride month in November. Nearly 2 weeks into December, I haven't missed a day up to and including this morning:

Looks decent enough, right? Well, in this case the picture doesn't tell the whole story...I also mentioned that this month would present different challenges than the usual month long endeavours in which I participate, mostly relating to the weather: snow, cold, but worst of all, the wind:

That's a true representation of this morning in graphic form. A 20 degree wind chill factor makes it very difficult to love riding. I can tolerate just about any outdoor conditions, but for whatever reason, I can't abide by wind (hate isn't the correct word, though). Even in cold weather months in years past when I was outside riding for work 5 days a week, I would routinely take Saturdays and Sundays off with good reason. IT'S NOT ALL THAT FUN TO BE WINDBLOWN AND FREEZING.

So why the hell do I keep doing it? I guess I really do love it. I guess I'm crazy, too. A little of both, perhaps. That said, I'm about to brave the cold tonite for one of my favorite events of the year, the annual Holiday Lights Ride sponsored by the Bicycle Coalition. Stay tuned for a much more festive and upbeat post tomorrow, complete with pretty pixtures of Christmas/Holiday lights!

And by the way, we're nearly halfway thru December already, with just 11 days until Christmas...


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