Thursday, February 5, 2015

Boxed Out

The city is a much different animal at 6:15 AM. There aren't many people active on the streets besides "The yellow brigade." You know, service workers, contractors, the sanitation department, etc. Not even much traffic to speak of except maybe the occasional school bus, which is coincidentally also yellow.

It's trash day in Queen Village, and as always on Thursday morning, my ride in to work was marred to windblown litter from well-meaning folks who did the right thing last night. Kinda disheartening, but what can you do?

And then, I saw this guy.

I was on auto pilot, but was jolted "awake" by the sight of a silver car with its 4-way flashers turned on at a stop sign, ya know, where you normally stop and just keep going. Seemed odd. Also, normally there is NO traffic on this street at this hour.

As I approached the car on the right, I saw a man toss a box in the general direction of the curb. Except that the wind took said box, which contained several smaller boxes, and boomeranged it back towards him.

I was about to laugh, because it did indeed appear quite comical. However, after the blowback, all of the smaller boxes blew right into the path of my bike. I ran over one, another hit my leg. No one was injured, but I made sure to say "Thanks" to the man as I rode past.

I guess I can't blame him for trying to do the right thing, except that he failed miserably in his attempt. Three more steps to the curb would have made a world of difference.

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