Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Damn Kids...

Some have asked about how secure I feel on my job, if I ever get worried about being attacked, whether or not I carry a weapon, etc. Just FYI, I almost always carry a knife. Former Boy Scout that I was, ya never know when you're gonna need it...

At any rate, I've never felt scared except for the two trips I've had to make deep into the heart of Grays Ferry. Nothing happened there, BUT oddly enough, one of the very few incidents I have had involving bystanders (I use the term loosely) happened in Rittenhouse Square, one of the nicest neighborhoods in the city.

It was a nice, clear night, and I wasn't super busy. I was going about my route, kinda zoned in, thinking and whatnot, when all of a sudden I felt a jolt on the back of my trailer. At first, I thought I ran something over. But then I looked back and saw a teenager riding his bike immediately behind me, and he was with several of his friends.

I said "Hey, don't do that." I know. How original of me.

He said "Aww sorry man. My bad."

Without thinking, I said sarcastically "Yea, 'your bad' alright..." I think that's the correct grammar in this context.

Anyway, at this point, he suddenly became interested in my job for some reason, asking me if it was tough, how old you had to be to work for us, all of which I ignored until I turned right several blocks later and the banshees vanished into the night. No projectiles were thrown.

Is this what Mom meant when she said "I hope you have kids one day and they turn out just like you."?

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