Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Test Two-sday

No sooner than I mentioned that it had been forever since I was called into front line duty, I was called into action again. We had a call out on the consumer cycling team, so our cycling manager was originally planning to do two routes at once. Luckily for him, I happened to overhear this while I was just about to leave the office. Having been in that situation before, I felt it was only right to help out. I mean, the only plans I had for last evening were to cook dinner and watch TV.

It's tough to see there, but those bikes are soaked. We experienced some on and off showers last night, which made me even happier that I decided to help. Not because of the getting soaked part, but because it would have been even worse to have someone on the road trying to handle 25 appointments by themselves. I somehow logged nearly 30 miles yesterday, and I'm not gonna lie. I'm feeling it.

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