Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Good, the Bad and the Bike Lane

Yesterday, I was on my way home from work, riding in the bike lane on Spring Garden Street near 10th Street. I saw a young couple ahead on the right sidewalk, the man carrying a young child.

As I neared the intersection, suddenly the man decided to step into the street without looking and began to cross against a red light. I was close enough that I had to pull hard on my brakes and swerve to avoid him. His partner said excitedly, "Honey you gotta watch what you're doin!" while still standing on the sidewalk. His response, "Man, that ain't no car." I'm not sure what difference that makes. Traffic is traffic, and bicycles are quickly becoming a more regular part of city transportation. He was in the crosswalk, but he was carrying a child, and regardless of a pedestrian's rights, it doesn't preclude looking both ways...especially when you have another life in your hands - literally. What kind of example is that setting?

At any rate, I was relieved I didn't hit them, but I rode on because I didn't feel it was worth my time to engage in a debate. Also, I was starving. Hah.

As I continued on, I noticed when I turned down North 6th Street, they had re-painted the lines on the bike lane (and only the bike lane):

So that was a nice surprise. Even though we "ain't no cars," it's nice to see some respect and bicycles continuing to gain momentum.

Who knows? Maybe the city will finally fix all the potholes. I'm not holding my breath on that one...

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