Monday, May 18, 2015

Deflating my Plans

Well played, West Philly.

Last week was the anniversary of the MOVE Bombing in Philadelphia. I'm a bit of a history nerd, and I'd heard about this story before, but when reminded about it last week, I thought it might be neat to take a ride out to West Philly just to see what the scene looked like nowadays. I had some time yesterday.

Knowing full well the scene was actually going to be boring by most standards - a boarded up stretch of row homes - I still decided to do it. The ride there was a nice, leisurely 40 minute trek westward from my house, across the Schuylkill River. It had rained earlier in the day, and late-breaking sun made the afternoon weather absolutely beautiful.

That is, until I started to hear a "ticking" sound from my rear tire around 58th and Pine. I knew exactly what that meant - I'd picked up a nail or some other foreign object and it was only a matter of time before my tire went flat. And of course, I didn't have a patch kit or a spare tube with me and most bike shops are closed on Sundays.

I could have stuck around and done what I originally intended, taking pictures and the like, but instead I decided I should just go home. It was going to take me at least an hour to get back to 2 street, and I still had a bunch of OTHER things to do that evening. The quickest, easiest way was to take the train, and annoyingly I didn't have any quarters, so I had to spend $3 on a $2.25 train fare. I know it's only $.75, but the principle is annoying.

Anyway, I guess I can try again some other time. At least I got 6 miles in on a Sunday...

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