Monday, May 11, 2015

While You're Waiting

This was taken at Temple University in the midst of a very exhausting Thursday, but the feeling of being outside in beautiful weather was not lost on me.

For the first time since I started this blog, I experienced a lapse. Not a lapse in experiences or creative ideas, but a lapse in the availability of time and willingness to make time available to blog about them. It's say the least. I started to miss it more than I imagined, because ever since I started practicing macrobiotics, I've been trying to place emphasis on doing things outside of work (hobbies) that are "playful," if you will. This blog is one of those things. However, so are these:

Alkaline Trio played four consecutive nights at the TLA, and I was privileged enough to experience two of them. Many thanks go out to my cousin Andrew for inviting me, and helping me to realize that they are without a doubt my favorite band of all time. A-holes brought me to tears twice.

Some time Friday morning, while I was already experiencing a hectic day of wash cycling, I received a text from my roommate. She had been hit by a truck while she was riding her motorcycle. At this point, there's not much I could do other than being supportive. Thanks to a most generous assist from my friend Susan, I delivered some REAL food she had cooked to my roommate in the hospital, by bicycle, of course (no pics - I think she has some though haha). This is not a hobby. Or is it?

Not the best pic, but Friday night I was lucky enough to enjoy a great evening with some more macro friends, which was sorely needed after the roommate in the hospital ordeal. The food was friggin' amazing, and I didn't realize we were there for over 4 hours. Yours truly made the apple couscous cake on the far right. :)

Saturday, a much-needed outdoor chair shiatsu from my non-motorcycling roommate. She was holding an open house with her friend, and so I came to lend my support. I had a hunch that I would be reaping the benefits of being a "demonstrator." Wink wink.

Sunday was Mother's Day. I went home to see Mom, but I drove my car. You didn't expect me to bike 140ish miles in a day, right (well, you might have)? At any rate, it was a lovely experience as expected.

In a nutshell, life is moving pretty fast, and I have no shortage of experiences, which I'm thankful for. I'm going to make every effort to keep this blog going. It's been such a great experience for me thus far...

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