Tuesday, July 14, 2015


An innocent enough morning took a turn for the worse when a car took a turn into my trike:

I had just crossed the Girard Avenue bridge and was approaching the intersection with Brewery Hill Dr. I paused briefly, then began to ride into the crosswalk when the car to my left suddenly darted forward and into the rear section of my trike, striking the laundry bin and bending the rear axle:

I guess I owe him a debt of gratitude, because he stopped as soon as it happened. Pfft... He backed up a couple feet and I wrestled the mangled trike free from his car bumper, which was also noticeably dented. After I pulled the trike on to the sidewalk, I started to attempt to get my bearings.

He exclaimed "Y'aiiiiight?!?!? Y'okay?!?!?" I answered "Yea I just need a second. Watch where you're going next time!" as I paced around, not really feeling any ill effects other than some jitters, but definitely in mild shock.

The only injury I sustained was a cut on my knee, which I think was caused by the zip ties around the frame, not by the car. I guess it could be worse:

While I was still mentally getting my shit together, he hopped back in his car as he exclaimed again "Y'aiiiight?!?!?"

I said "Hey wait a minute!" as he drove off. He obviously ignored me, but not before I got his license plate number. ;-)

Seriously, thanks so much for your patience, asshole. /sarcasm.

I was in the crosswalk. What if I had been a mother pushing a stroller?

The irony (or self-fulfilling prophecy, or whatever) of this is, the security guard at the Mann Center (where I had just come from) always says "Be safe out there now." My reply is always "Hey man, I can only control what I do, not the other crazy people out there..." Hah.

Safe cycling, everyone, and if you hit someone, don't drive off like a douche. 

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