Friday, August 14, 2015

The Century Mark

Nothing too eventful happened today, and I'm thankful for those kinds of days sometimes. It was your average beautiful Summer day in the city of Philadelphia, as seen from the Girard Avenue Bridge this morning:

It was tough to get a pic through the holes in the fence, but you get the idea. Inadvertently, this puts this entry into perspective (no pun intended).

When I posted yesterday, I happened to notice that it was my 99th post on this blog (which, if you're keeping track, makes this post the 100th). Of course, I didn't hesitate to pat myself on the back today, and why not? I know there are people that blog for a living, but since I do this for fun, 100 posts feels like a big accomplishment, and a good time to reflect. When I started this blog back in January, I had very open-ended goals with this whole thing. I did that on purpose: because no matter what happened, I couldn't possibly fail! Ha...

All kidding aside, I'm in love with how this blog has gone so far. It hasn't been perfect, nor was it intended to be. It was just supposed to be whatever it became, and it has. Alright, that's enough ambiguity.

If you can believe it, I've got a lot of crazy stuff that goes through my head every day, and expressing even one tenth of it as some sort of creative medium is therapeutic. I haven't been trying to gain an audience other than my friends, but I know I have, and that feels good too - to know that people appreciate your writing. I've also learned way more than I could have imagined (for example, why "sharrows" are placed where they are), and I know I've taught said audience a few things along the way. I'll pat myself on the back again.

So, cheers on this Friday evening to 100 posts and hundreds more. Let's ride some more...

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