Thursday, April 11, 2019

Maybe I'm Trying to be a Hero?

I'll fully admit that I wear my habit of daily cycling as a badge of honor. I try not to be pretentious about it, but I'm sure it's happened from time to time. In any case, that's not going to stop me from doing what I do and hoping that it inspires others to do the same. That's actually what 30 Days of Biking is all about, and one of the reasons I love April so much.

I had two more lovely commutes today on Day 11 of the challenge, and I ran a few errands after work, so nothing really noteworthy happened on my cycling ventures today, so I wanted to bring to light an article that my girlfriend shared with me today that parallels a lot of what I tend to write about. Link here, if you care to read.

If it's TL;DR for you, basically it discusses the merits of cycling as being a part of daily life as opposed to being a hobby, and how it has potential to change the world through environmental impact, social impact, and personal health.

I don't like to try to bog people down with too many statistics on carbon emissions and other environmental impacts. I find this talking point can bring about more negative responses than positive. I do 100% agree that being an everyday casual cyclist can have extensive impacts on one's physical and mental health. It's why I find so much joy and importance in taking even the shortest of rides with the family:

Without going too far into it, perhaps the quote at the end of the article sums it up best:
“If cycling is indeed going to save the world, it won’t be the Lycra-clad road warriors who’ll be doing it. The big changes–and they can be huge–happen when a nation doesn’t see cycling as a hobby, a sport, a mission, let alone a way of life. They happen when it becomes nothing more than a convenient, quick, cheap way of getting about, with the unintended bonus being the fact that you get some exercise in the process.”
Hey, that's kinda what I'm going for here. Hopefully through sharing experiences and inspiring others, that will in turn inspire others to ride, who inspire others to ride, and so on...

So basically, I'm not necessarily trying to save the world, but I'm hoping I can be a part of it. Be the change, and all of that. And hey, I found a new book to read. Thanks babe!

30 Days of Biking 2019 Mileage Total: 168.4

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