Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Windy Wednesday

We've reached the 1/3 mark of 30 Days of Biking. How ya feelin? Good? Good.

I'm actually a bit winded today, pun intended. I've mentioned many times over that the wind is my least favorite element to cope with when it comes to cycling, simply because it's unpredictable. Especially so in Central Ohio, in my opinion. I battled a headwind on both commutes today. The afternoon seemed much worse, but it's all relative.

The morning commute seemed better because for starters, it ended with this gorgeous view of Downtown Columbus, flanked by the Scioto Trail in the foreground and I-670 to the left. Dig the difference:

Kinda made battling a headwind for 8+ miles feel worthwhile for reasons beyond simply riding a bike. My morning ride is also mostly flat with a decent descent near the end.

It seemed like things died down after I got to work, because I had a pretty nice day outside, with no wind-related issues (believe it or not, the wind can cause problems when trying to fertilize lawns):

This is what happens when customers don't listen to recommendations

I enjoy throwing shameless work promos in here every now and then.

In addition to my commutes, I put in plenty of walking miles today. I don't keep a step-ometer with me, but I walked on more than 100,000 square feet of lawn today. Be thankful you're not my shoes.

9 hours later, it was time to ride home. As I mentioned above, it seemed much more arduous, but it really wasn't that bad when you compare it to the morning:

Add in the extra elevation gain and an additional .17 mile and it still only took me about 5 minutes longer to get home. I guess the whole "I just worked all day" factor may have influenced my opinion.

But what I always say at the end of the day is, it feels good that I rode my bike. It's contagious. While I was doing these things, my girlfriend and Faith rode to and back from school today (I always ask her to take pictures - one of these days she'll remember). That means the kiddo is 8/10 this month, not too shabby! She told me this evening that she feels better when she can ride to and from school, and it's not surprising to me in the least.

This is all a roundabout way of saying, riding a bike feels good, even on a windy day. Here's to the next 20 days (and more).

30 Days of Biking 2019 Mileage Total: 144.5

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