Monday, April 29, 2019

The Little Engine That Can

On the penultimate day of 30 Days of Biking, I definitely had a case of the Mondays. I didn't get the best night of sleep on Sunday and didn't feel up to commuting this morning. At all.

All kidding aside, there was also a strong chance of thunderstorms this afternoon, so commuting via bicycle probably wouldn't have been the safest of options if it proved true. After a quick morning lap, I threw my bike into the car once more and decided to take to the Camp Chase Trail after work:  

I learned today that the Camp Chase Railroad is actually still in operation, even though some of those engines look in pretty foul shape.

Anywho, with no real plans in store for the evening, my destination was left unknown. I settled on "ride as far as you can in 45 minutes" or "ride until it starts raining," whichever came first. I kept heading west until I got to Georgesville Road, where the trail turns right and becomes a roadside trail. I eventually encountered a strange phenomenon I've noticed a ton since I moved here, sidewalks and mixed use paths that abruptly stop for no apparent reason:

What's even weirder to me is that in some instances, enough people keep walking straight after the pavement ends to wear a dirt path in the same direction:

I mean, I get it - this path and others are probably intended to continue being built eventually, connecting to whatever other destinations that also have yet to be constructed. I just don't understand why there's rarely any signage to let you know it's ending.

Whatever the case, this seemed to be a pretty good turnaround point and it did start to drizzle around this time, so I fleet footed 4.5 miles back to the car. We didn't get much more than that though, so the family and I also managed to sneak in a quick ride this evening before dinner. That short jaunt happened to put me over 400 miles for the month. I'll take that as a win for my Monday, and keep chugging along for one more day. It's hard to believe April is almost over. I think I can, I think I can...

30 Days of Biking 2019 Mileage Total: 400.6

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