Friday, August 4, 2017

SustainPHL to Hell

Last night was the night of the 2nd annual SustainPHL awards. Last year, Wash Cycle was nominated and we won! This year, we were on the voting committee, so I was attending only as a spectator/networker. Even in a suit, I chose to ride, and once again, I took the girlfriend's bike:

It really is an awesome bike. I'm actually going to continue using it for the time being and use the opportunity to FINALLY get a full tune for my everyday bike. He needs it. Anyway...

I'm super glad I rode her bike, because it was quite hot yesterday evening. Her bike is a bit easier to ride (again, why I need a tune up), so I was just a tad less sweaty when I arrived. Ya know, for a green event, there really wasn't much bike parking available:

I didn't WANT to lock to the fence, but I kinda had to. As for the event itself, it was a good time, but never long enough in my opinion. I get it. They gotta pay the bills too.

In any case, among many interactions I finally met the dude that runs Circle Compost (a bike-powered composting service, don'tcha know) and reunited with some folks I haven't seen in about a year. Like a town meeting or something. You can read a full recap if you want on, and I posted on Wash Cycle's Instagram:
It was a pretty impressive turnout.

As for today, I finished the project I began on Thursday, moving one of the old Wash Cycle trikes to NextFab to be stripped of any necessary parts so the "new" trike can be completely retrofitted. Surprisingly after well over a year of sitting, the tubes and tires rolled quite well:

Unfortunately that's about all that worked well. I spoke too soon yesterday when I  said getting thru the weeds would be the toughest part of this, because I thought I'd be able to at least ride to the destination. If you look closely above, you can see the rusty chain dangling from the frame. The broken rear derailleur aside, the chain was rusted to the gear, so it wouldn't have worked anyway, meaning I pushed the trike for damn near 2 miles. But hey, I needed the workout and the outside air, so it was worth it:

Here's hoping I never have to do THAT again. At least I remembered to wear my uniform. The reincarnated trike IS pretty awesome and only a week away too, so there's that.

I'm beat. Bed time before 11 on Friday  Ha! Enjoy your weekend.

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