Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Tread on Me

My ride home yesterday was far from enjoyable, as the rain had really picked up and made riding quite a chore. I'm not going to complain much about the rain, especially after seeing what's going on in Southeast Texas, but I did see something yesterday that made me think.

I saw a guy nearly slide out on treadless tires (slicks), and it reminded me of this guy I met at a bike shop (that shall remain nameless) 2+ years ago when I was still riding my mountain bike on the daily. I needed a new tube and also mentioned that I would need new tires soon, and he told me to go with slicks because you don't need tread in the city (I didn't listen).

Now, of course what you need depends not only on your terrain but also your capabilities. No tread means less rolling resistance, but it also means less traction and (in my experience) a greater possibility of flats. I could be wrong. All I know is that since I upgraded my tires on my commuter bike to CST Otis with level 5 protection, I have not had a single flat. My front tire has seen well over 3,000 miles of action and it's still going strong:

They are a little burly compared to the factory stock tires, but the peace of mind they've brought to my day-to-day riding can't be measured in speed or dollars and cents. Let's face it - I've written many a time about the sometimes nasty conditions of Philly streets, and you wouldn't believe some of the pieces of glass I've pulled out of these things. I'm more than willing to exercise a little more to know that I'll get from point A to point B without issue. That said, I still carry a repair kit just in case.

Oh, and I've also never once slid out on a rainy road with these guys, as an added bonus. I might go treadless when I finally get a road bike, but for day-to-day use, I'm treading.


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