Saturday, April 27, 2019

Roll: Out!

The arrival of Spring means a lot of group rides get going again after a Winter hiatus. Last night was the return of what's become one of my favorite Columbus rides, the Roll: Bicycles Pub Ride. It was a near perfect night for it too, with temperatures hovering in the high 50's and no rain to speak of. Let's just ignore the wind, shall we?

My friend Jason showed up for the meet up but didn't join us for the actual ride. He did bring along this ridiculous piece of awesome that I just had to show you:

The "easy rider" handle bar name is almost laughable. I did take it for a quick spin around the block (sorry no pics) and it was as comical as you could imagine. I love it. Can you imagine trying to pedal that thing for anything longer than a few miles?

Anywho, I wanna say there were about 25 cyclists who joined in last night. We started with a few miles south on the Scioto Trail:

It seemed like the perfect time to take a bad selfie:

We then headed east through the German Village and found our way to our first stop. I'm diggin' the modest bike pile here:

Our first stop was Parsons North Brewing, which is a completely a new (to me) brewery:

That's one of the reasons I get involved with these rides. In addition to being social with other cyclists, it gets me out and patronizing more local businesses. And still finding new ones, at that, because I'm still very much a newbie to this city.

One sight I always love to see here is the Scioto River at sunset, which we were treated to after we headed out from our first stop:

Beautiful. We continued heading west through Grandview Heights and after a brief detour, eventually ended up at our second destination, Endeavor Brewing:

I love that they always let us bring our bikes in the patio area if it's not crowded. We don't even need to lock up. Simple pleasures. I started a conversation with a new friend here whose wife happens to hail from the Lehigh Valley. Small world, right?

We rolled out once more heading south back towards the Scioto Trail on the other side of the river and found our way to our final destination, Brewdog in Franklinton:

Another solid group ride in the books, and a good break-in to start the season. After many great conversations and cycling miles, it was time to trek home. This city does look pretty under the lights:

Including riding to the meetup and from the final stop, I put in nearly 38 miles. Not a bad way to spend a Friday evening on day 26 of 30 Days of Biking:

Day 27 is going to be a little more subdued. The kiddo and I are hoping to go on a ride later, but she's not been feeling so great this week. I'm sure she wouldn't be up for 38 miles even if she was feeling 100% haha. Whatever the case, I'll be on my bike at some point. I hope you'll get out and enjoy your weekend too.

30 Days of Biking 2019 Mileage Total: 379.3

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