Sunday, April 7, 2019

Treks & Trails - Sort Of

Quantity and quality don't always go hand-in-hand, but in the case of riding a bike, I think even the shortest of rides can be considered quality. I'm actually getting somewhat used to living in suburbia, where we're blessed with a small park and its short trail just a half mile from our house:

We had a full afternoon and early evening planned yesterday, so the only riding I had time for on day 6 of 30 Days of Biking was a short jaunt to our nearby recycling drop off:

But, despite overcast skies in the morning, it was pretty perfect for a short 4.5 mile round trip ride that ultimately ended up being productive for other reasons. And as a reminder, mileage doesn't matter this month - the only thing that matters is riding every single day.

We DID do some trekking on a different kind of trail yesterday, on the far outskirts of the Columbus Ale Trail:

Rather fitting that we visited Trek Brewing as one of the stops, no? I won't go into greater detail, but let's just say I would have loved to have made biking a part of this experience. (Un)fortunately for me, I've visited most of the stops on the trail that are within bike-able distance already. It's all about to be moot, because the trail re-starts in May.

As for today, we did some cleaning this morning that filled up the recycling bin rather quickly, so I did another quick run to the dumpsters. The full load of cargo looks awkward, but it's actually quite stable:

I kept it a bit shorter this time around, only 3 miles round trip, but it was still a quality ride. If nothing else, it helped me erase what little hangover I was feeling! I may head out for another ride this evening after Faith returns, if the weather cooperates.

We're already almost a week into 30 Days of Biking, if you can believe it. Have you gotten on your bike yet?

30 Days of Biking 2019 Mileage Total: 94.0

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