Thursday, April 16, 2020

Day 16 of 30: Over the Hump

Good morning on day 16 of 30 Days of Biking! We're officially more than halfway thru April, if you can believe it. Even with keeping a somewhat regular schedule and writing on this blog every day, my sense of time still feels a little off. It also feels like this month goes by quicker each year. Someone once visualized why that's a common perception.

In any case, going over the halfway mark is always somewhat exciting. A good friend, teacher, and mentor of mine (Denny Waxman) once told me that going from zero to one is the most difficult part of any challenge. Going from one to two and two to three and so on is much easier. Now that I've gotten to day 15, it almost seems inevitable that I'll "win" this challenge.

I hope those of you who have been following along thus far have enjoyed my journeys, no matter how short they may be. I hope they've inspired you to do something that inspires you, even if it's a very simple thing. And if you haven't been inspired yet, there's still time, right?

Coincidentally, the midpoint of April (yesterday) fell in the middle of the week, and my cycling day was also somewhat split right down the middle. The morning commute probably couldn't have been more beautiful just before 7AM:

We'll just ignore those near-freezing temperatures, eh? I remember thinking to myself "Wow. There's actually no wind today." There's another old saying, something about a red sky at morning, or something... At any rate, by the time I was on my way home in the afternoon, we had plenty of wind, mist, and even some snow:

Unpleasant conditions to work in, for sure, but the silkiest of silver linings came in the form of this homemade mask, compliments of my super talented girlfriend:

It doesn't match anything I'm wearing, but otherwise it's fantastic. It will prove to be a lot more stable than the Buff I had been using. I also avoided the absolute worst of the precipitation, which rolled in just after I rolled in to my garage.

One final note, I stopped by Kenny Road Market after work to pick up some more libations:

I've been stressing keeping my purchases local during this time, and both of these loosely fit the bill. The beer on the left is from Nowhere in Particular Brewing, noted for its nomadic nature of brewing - literally. They opened an appropriately named brewpub here in Columbus last year, Somewhere in Particular. On the right is a selection from my favourite Canadian brewery, Flying Monkeys. I purchased it from a local vendor, so I'm counting it. It's not all that easy to find, so I almost never pass up a chance to buy their beer. Both solid brews, both supporting local biz, I feel satisfied.

That seems like a perfect segue way to Thirsty Thursday. Have a good one, be safe, healthy, and happy.

30DoB Mileage Total: 154.3

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