Friday, April 17, 2020

Day 17 of 30: The Warmth

For the second time this week, I opted not to ride my bike to work. After a second (but not quite as bad as the first) bad experience with the bus in a little less than a week, potentially being left waiting for 45 minutes in 25° temperatures didn't sound worthwhile at all. I know, I know, I'm the guy who rides in any weather, and guess're right:

But I didn't ride to work from there. I instead decided to take a short lap around the block before leaving for work. It was just invigorating enough to get me moving in the right direction, for a day that ended up being pretty stressful.

Things warmed up considerably as the day went on. That's the trade-off with cloudless skies during the colder months: the sky usually looks gorgeous, but without cloud cover, heat escapes rather quickly. Basically ya gotta enjoy the warmth when you have it, because it will evaporate quickly.

Conditions were pleasant enough during the afternoon that I almost regretted not riding to work. I made up for most of it by biking to pick up takeout for family dinner:

Local Cantina is technically a chain, but it's local to the greater Columbus area. See, I do support local businesses other than coffee shops and breweries!

I do plan to ride to work today, hoping I can beat the heaviest of rain showers that are headed our way. Wish me luck. Have a great Friday, an even better weekend, and be safe & healthy.

30DoB Mileage Counter: 159.1

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