Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Day 7 of 30: Darkness

Early mornings are not for the faint of heart, and doubly so if you're trying to ride a bike. I had an unusually early wakeup call yesterday morning even by my standards, so my morning commute was lit mostly by moonlight:

I actually brightened up that pic a little. Getting accurate visual representations of just how dark it is at 5AM is quite difficult, but I've tried my best. Of course, if you're going to venture into these sorts of conditions, adequate lighting is of utmost importance:

Again, it's tough to get a good visual on these surroundings, especially with a phone camera. This one gives a little better idea of my morning ride through Rhodes Park looks:

My ride spends about equal time on roads and trails, so having both lights functioning is absolutely vital for safety. You never know when a squirrel might dart out in front of your bike on the trail, and that bright red aura should alert even the most oblivious of motorists. Even with adequate safety precautions, the ride was still a little nerve-racking.

But, there's something eerily calm and beautiful about riding by moonlight. There was a gorgeous fog rolling across a meadow just beyond the above picture that I didn't bother trying to photograph because it just wouldn't have done it justice. Early morning riding just has something invigorating about it. I had an incredibly hectic day yesterday, but despite the early start, I had plenty of adrenaline to carry me through partly because of my early morning ride. It reminded me a little bit of my first days as a morning delivery cyclist way back when...

The icing on the cake is that clear mornings usually lead to cloudless sunny days:

Other than a stubborn headwind, yesterday was a pretty good day to be on a bike. I hope you had some time to get out and enjoy it. Unfortunately, today doesn't look to be as nice around here. In any case, enjoy your day, everyone. It's hard to believe we're already one week in to 30 Days of Biking. I feel like it goes by quicker each year...

30DoB Mileage Counter: 72.7

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