Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Lock Down

30 Days of Biking Mileage Counter: 223.5

Although 30 Days of Biking is labeled as a challenge, for the most part, I don't see it as such. I mean, I ride almost every day as a commuter, and occasionally on the job (that's become less and less frequent, but as you have seen, still happens). So basically, life isn't a challenge, and it shouldn't be. Right?

The real challenge has been to find ways to make this whole thing as adventurous as possible. That, and dealing with minor annoyances. Case in point...

Perhaps fitting (or not fitting, if you appreciate the pun) that this occurred on the last ride of last weekend's 30 Days of Beer-king adventure, my key got stuck in my U-lock after unlocking on the boardwalk:

I guess it's not technically a U-unlock...

In hindsight, I'm thankful it didn't get stuck in the lock before I was able to unlock my bike, because that would have resulted in a messy scene requiring bolt cutters and plenty of turned heads. Also, where the hell would I have gotten bolt cutters on a Sunday afternoon during the off-season in a beach town? Police I guess...

I bought a new lock which I absolutely hate, but it works, so that's cool. Also on the bright side, it gave me a reason to go for another ride to buy said new lock (to Walmart, the only place that was open) after I got back to Philly, which logged another 5ish miles (I have a backup cable lock just for situations like this, but only for temporary use). Random things like this have contributed to this unusually high mileage total for this week:

Unusually high for a month other than 30 Days of Biking

Then again, some friends and I have been known to pop off 60 miles in one day every now and then...it also helps that the weather has been GORGEOUS the past couple days. I haven't had any big adventures to speak of, just usual everyday riding and errands that just seem to add up. The next few appear to be relatively tame as well (which can change at any minute) but I've got some cool ideas for this weekend. In the mean time, enjoy one more look at a snap from outside Radicchio Cafe in Old City last night. This may be my favorite so far:

11 days ain't nothin'. Ride on, #30daysofbiking!

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