Weatherwise, today wasn't the prettiest day, and as such I really don't have much to write about from day 19 of #30daysofbiking. I'd like to take a brief aside based off this article from GoPhillyGo that I stumbled upon a week or so ago. It's about the best views in Philly:

This one's actually not on the list
If you've read this blog regularly, you know how I feel about lists and how they're subjective and blah blah blah. I actually like this list, because I've visited a lot of these places multiple times and I tend to agree with most of their choices:
- John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge at Tinicum
- Belmont Plateau
- Philadelphia Museum of Art
- Bartram's Garden
- South Street Bridge
- Central Delaware Trail
- Camden, NJ Waterfront - the only one I haven't visited (yet)
I did attend a rather interesting panel discussion on climate change and green jobs hosted by Defend our Future PA, so there's also that. Most of the discussion wasn't bike-centric but very green oriented nonetheless. I'm glad to see more of these types of events popping up (it does seem to be an almost bi-weekly occurrence of late). Of course if you are interested in learning more about tonight, just ask. There was a lot of quality discussion.
Oh, and I logged nearly 13 miles today, all commutes. If this is considered an "off" day, I'd say it's not a bad day in the least. I can't believe we're already 19 days into this jawn...
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