Saturday, April 9, 2016

Asian Persuasion

30 Days Mileage Counter
Bike: 107.8 Miles
Car: 215 Miles
Accurate as of 11:30PM 4/9/16

Today started with a little bike therapy:

Your tire won't change unless you want it to change

I fixed my roommate's flat tire and her brakes in exchange for a shiatsu. Much needed on both sides.

As for the ride today, it sucked. Rain/snow in April is just annoying. I toughed it out because I needed some groceries, most of which can only be found at an Asian market. There are tons of these throughout the city, but I chose to go all the way up to Washington Ave. because I know their selection, and I also enjoy torturing myself:

They can't possibly know if they were the FIRST oriental...

I went home and spent the rest of the day indoors, doing chores and watching hockey (hooray Flyers). The ambitious weekend plans have been tempered a bit, but at least I got out and did SOMEthing today. At least I was able to reschedule one thing for next Sunday. I still have something good for tomorrow and the weather looks to be a lot more cooperative, so we'll see...

9 down, 21 to go. #30daysofbiking has had its share of challenges so far, but it has been rewarding. If nothing else, I'm saving money not paying to ride SEPTA every day. :D

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