Friday, April 1, 2016

Every Journey Starts With a Single Pedal

It's a gray, dull April 1st, but I'm excited. #30daysofbiking begins today, and it's evoked feelings I experienced in 2013 before I traveled cross country. I have a few small adventures planned, but I'm not sure what's going to happen with this. Very much looking forward to it...and of course, writing about it!

A bike on a street. OK, not all that crazy, but ya gotta start somewhere, right?

It's fitting that on the first day of the challenge, today was the first day I've ridden my bike to work since I moved to Central South Philly. I decided to limit my exposure to the elements this Winter by buying TransPasses every month:

I only bought them for the pictures

I don't regret it. Biking in the Winter is less than pleasant no matter how you slice it. By far the worst part is the wind, not the cold, and like I said, I bike every day at work, so I wasn't at all eager to expose myself to more wind every day. Anywho...

It was a bit of a flashback Friday on the way in to work today. Riding up 16th Street reminded me of doing this route every day when I lived on 2nd Street. Ya know, before I crashed my bike and moved at the same time...Side note, this is also the first time I've ridden to work since my crash.

My reward for the 4.2 mile 30-minute ride? A HUGE PILE OF LAUNDRY:

If it's yellow, grab it and get the f*** on the road...

Not like I didn't expect it. Hah. Sometimes I tell people we're superheroes, and you can see why.

It's gonna be a decent start to the 30 days as long as the rain holds off...I can't guarantee much of what I'm going to write, but I guarantee you'll be seeing a lot of the bike with no name and this guy over the next month:

Provided it doesn't break down like the last one...

30 days starts now. Let's ride!

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