Thursday, April 21, 2016

Rackin' Up Miles

30 Days Mileage Counter
Bike: 395.6
Car: 428
Train: 8

Today ended rather windy, but it began beautifully, and with this surprise:

Mother Nature giving me the finger? Or is it the cat giving me the death stare...

That's some sort of plant growing in the flower bed outside my house. Awesome because I didn't plant it! Anyone know what it is? I'm sure I'll find out eventually. Anyway, on to biking…

On my rather lengthly to-do list biking-wise are several modifications, most of which I don't have the time or the financial capability to do right this second. One I sorely need to move to the top of my priority list is a front-mounted rack:

Nice rack. Too bad it's not natural.

We started adding these to our Wash Cycles recently because there are occasionally some deliveries that don't require the full rig. Why make life harder on yourself, right?

This is the first time I've used one of these in a while. The old adage "It's like riding a bike" is true, despite the pun-ny nature of the statement, but it did take some adjusting. It made life much easier this morning, and if I get one for my personal bike, I'll probably only need to use my car to leave the city. There's a thought…

I did pull out the trike eventually for the remainder of my route. I paused briefly to get a snack at Front Street Cafe in Fishtown and was greeted with this:

They wanna make me a star!

MSNBC set up there to cover the Pennsylvania Primaries for some reason. I couldn't figure out why (it's Thursday, after all), but still pretty neat. On a related note, one of my clients happens to be a fellow Berner, and I visited her today:

These views are not necessarily those of Wash Cycle Laundry or its employees

She actually gave me a poster a few weeks back, too, which was pretty rad of her. We chatted for a little about the march coming up in Philly this Saturday, and I told her I'll be riding my bike there of course. She's a masseuse, and though I can't officially endorse her for various reasons (not the least of which is that I'm my roommate's client and I'm LOYAL dammit!), I enjoy servicing clients with whom I can have deeper conversations beyond "Hey, how's your laundry?"

21 down, just 9 to go, and another 16.5 miles in the books today. We're on the home stretch, and if all goes according to plan, I will actually ride more than I drive this month. Knock on something.

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