Friday, April 22, 2016

Earth Day Part Two

30 Days Mileage Counter
Bike: 415.7
Car: 428
Train: 8

Today began rather auspiciously, with the removal of a client from my weekly delivery roster. It's going to result in a small cut in my commissions, but all things considered, it's going to make my life easier. I was a little upset about it when I found out yesterday afternoon, but after getting out and riding on what turned out to be a GORGEOUS day, I had all but forgotten about it until I sat down to write this. Onward and upward, right?

SO. Being that Wash Cycle strives to be as green as possible, Earth Day/Week/Month fits right in with us. After my morning route (over 10 miles before 10AM!), I was sent to my 2nd (and our company's 3rd) such event this week, this one at Thomas Jefferson University:

YEA! Take THAT, Dasani!

It was a bit windy at times, so I used my helmet (in the foreground) to keep our promo items in place. I mention this only because I lost count of how many people thought I was selling bicycle helmets, and also how many people were amazed at a helmet's construction. I guess I take this stuff for granted? I dunno... Anyway, the event went well, my farmer's tan is now on full display, and I got some free water. Yippee. One more event coming next Thursday.

Not much else to report for today. Things have been largely routine cycling-wise over the past few days (if you call 20.1 miles in a day routine), which has been nice. My legs have needed the rest, especially since softball started. I promise more big stuff coming up this weekend if the weather cooperates, which appears to be the case.

For now, I'm about to sneak in a couple more miles this evening to go watch the Flyers - I could watch at home, but they won when I was at the bar the other night, so superstition dictates my move. Go Flyers.

22 down, 8 to go. Really? Time flies, #30daysofbiking...

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